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/ Over 1,000 Windows 95 Programs / Over 1000 Windows 95 Programs (Microforum) (Disc 1).iso / 0440 / keys.wcl < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-04-01  |  499b  |  44 lines

  1. #                       WCL KEY CONTROL FILE
  2. #
  3. #
  4. # This file is for assigning commands to function keys and
  5. # control keys. The commands are executed IMMEDIATELY, and
  6. # EXACTLY as they appear here.
  7. #
  8. [function-keys]
  9. F1=HELP
  10. F2=
  11. F3=*
  12. F4=
  13. F5=
  14. F6=
  15. F7=
  16. F8=
  17. F9=
  18. F11=
  19. F12=
  21. [control-keys]
  22. CTRL-A=
  23. CTRL-B=
  24. CTRL-D=
  26. CTRL-E=
  27. CTRL-F=
  28. CTRL-I=
  29. CTRL-J=
  30. CTRL-K=
  31. CTRL-L=
  32. CTRL-N=
  33. CTRL-O=
  34. CTRL-P=
  35. CTRL-Q=
  36. CTRL-R=
  37. CTRL-S=
  38. CTRL-T=
  39. CTRL-U=
  40. CTRL-V=
  41. CTRL-W=
  42. CTRL-Y=